Walled cities and salt

I’m jumping back into the South for this post, because this is a place I’ve been meaning to write about for a while now but I kept getting distracted with life and Paris and moving and work and all of the other things that distract me. It would be a shame to skip this though,Continue reading “Walled cities and salt”

French Jurassic Park

In the village of Mèze, which is somewhere between Montpellier and Béziers down near the coast, there are a few noteworthy things. The Noilly-Prat vermouth cellars, for one. The Thau lagoon, for another. And the dinosaur park. When I was a little kid, I saw Jurassic Park. I actually saw it in the cinema whenContinue reading “French Jurassic Park”

Tree climbing and zip-lining

A lot of people say “I’m a kid at heart!”; I have never been one of them. Even when I was a kid, I never really felt like a kid. Other kids were kind of boring, honestly. I’ve always felt pretty old – except for when it comes to stupid physical escapades. When I wasContinue reading “Tree climbing and zip-lining”

On safari (in the south of France)

Over near Narbonne there is a village called Sigean, and in Sigean there is an African safari reserve, because why not? I mean, sure, generally when you think about going on safari, you’d think about going to a more exotic location. Kenya or Tanzania or something, in a jeep, watching wildebeest migrate through the Serengeti.Continue reading “On safari (in the south of France)”

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